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Basketball shots

August 28, 2006


didde  -  August 28, 2006, 10:23
Okay, thats just fucked up! Thats some basket skills.
weber  -  August 28, 2006, 11:13
thx (later we'll make a great skateboard film to).
david (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 16:23
hahaha thomas hou je muil nou maar
Jon (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 17:10
I've seen the dvd of that whole skate video, and I'm pretty sure somewhere on it they say that none of the shots took more than like 2 or 5 tries or something like that. crazy skills
... (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 17:52
you can clearly see the video editing
... (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 17:52
not bad though
FAEK! (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 21:46
It's not a fake (guest)  -  August 28, 2006, 23:59
Was done by the DC Shoe Company, for The DC Video. Check for more information.
Fish (guest)  -  August 29, 2006, 18:47
If you spend several days taking the shot, of course you'll only record the one where you make it . . crazy shots, but they're only a matter of time.
Deleted0001  -  August 29, 2006, 19:25
I'm seriously impressed every time I watch this. Keep going, all star!
:D:D (guest)  -  August 29, 2006, 20:13
omg crazy skills of doom! where are the skaters tho?? The thin I love most of it is that it has none of that fucked up songs these clips usually has, big fucking plus!
Arngrim  -  August 30, 2006, 19:56
Xcalir (guest)  -  September 5, 2006, 20:22
That´s some good skills you got there boy :P keep on playing!!
cocko (guest)  -  September 12, 2006, 11:37
that is some wild stuff, most of us could only dream of shoots like that
.... (guest)  -  October 28, 2006, 23:39
Skills? i suck at throwing a basketball, but hey, just give me enough shots and ill do everything they did. As someone else said its just a matter of time, and shots. Funny that they didnt put 2 balls in without editing.
lol? (guest)  -  April 18, 2007, 14:32
what an idiots
umar (guest)  -  September 28, 2010, 14:16
thats enough skill wow they are amazing
jojo (guest)  -  March 26, 2011, 09:44
I've seen it before, this is totaly fake, look when the guy hitting the ball with a skateboard, he's using almost mo power, jet the ball flies over 10 m instead of maby 1m