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F-14s catapulting from carrier

November 3, 2006


mick (guest)  -  November 3, 2006, 19:04
I wouldn't like it to be catapulted like this!
bl968  -  November 3, 2006, 19:14
Cat shots are easy, it's the landings which take skill
Deleted0001  -  November 3, 2006, 20:12
Bla,bla. These are skilled anyway...
Draugovininkas  -  November 4, 2006, 16:27
bl968 are you a pilot? it's not like you get the same speed as taking of the runway where the climb is steady. Here you just get dropped of the ship and if you don't have skill you'll just end up splashing or in a stall (take a look at the pilots who was doing it the first time pitch). Landing on a carrier is a different thing. If you know how to land on a simple airfield then with a bit more practise you can land on a carrier
Brody  -  November 7, 2006, 23:28
blah blah

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