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Hallucii - Stuck in Escher's staircase

December 5, 2006


Swden owns (guest)  -  December 5, 2006, 16:23
HAha kinda fuunny ^^
lol (guest)  -  December 5, 2006, 17:09
he got pawned
OGrilla  -  December 5, 2006, 19:31
Funny and very thought provoking as far as understanding how the illusion would work in real life. Keep this stuff coming!
Deleted0001  -  December 5, 2006, 21:05
Kinda cool.
jjaroslav (guest)  -  December 6, 2006, 04:23
Excellent animation....award winning stuff
a (guest)  -  December 6, 2006, 20:51
the goofy non fag doof (guest)  -  December 11, 2006, 22:27
friggen sweet but the guy wuz a spaz
LoL (guest)  -  December 20, 2006, 06:18
Nice actually
mrsjc (guest)  -  December 27, 2006, 21:29
Vilxan  -  January 22, 2007, 18:28
ah, there's only one problem. When it zooms out to show the city, it accidentally shows the way the staircase should go, not the way Escher tricked us. Still, very well made animation!
Jessu (guest)  -  January 29, 2007, 03:31
Am I the only one who found that depressing despite the light music and intended humor/irony?
Vilxan  -  April 29, 2007, 13:50
I found it a bit depressing too

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