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Fish attracted by light

March 3, 2006


jenny (guest)  -  March 5, 2006, 11:40
I feel sick watching these poor fish struggeling for their lives. Would it be as "funny" if it were dogs or cats that were lured into water fighting for their lives, drowning? Not funny at all.
niklas (guest)  -  March 5, 2006, 11:52
oh please.. shut up jenny
Guess (guest)  -  March 5, 2006, 18:42
Hahahahaha. If fishing was 'that' easy I'd have food for centuries. Also jenny, drowning what?!? I've never heard of a fish struggling for its life in the water, naturally!
jop (guest)  -  March 6, 2006, 13:27
killing innocent animals is something humans always have done, why stop now..?
ricce (guest)  -  March 6, 2006, 18:11
but for fuck sake..nobody thinks that fishes suffer, just cus they dont complain..or- nobody can hear them complain..that shit is mean..i'd like to do that to you and we'll se what you think about it..and by ''that'' i mean choke u..
fred (guest)  -  March 10, 2006, 15:58
I don't think the fish suffers, they can make it a pretty long time in the boat. Then, the ppl tossed the fish back again. I think it was funny.
Çain (guest)  -  March 11, 2006, 23:01
Jenny and Ricce, on behalf of the civilized world, stfu!
dredi (guest)  -  March 17, 2006, 14:58
I just falled from my chair when I saw this clip :DD
niggaz (guest)  -  March 17, 2006, 18:47
LOL fake LOL -pimpish niga
M (guest)  -  March 20, 2006, 12:33
Jenny and Ricce: How is this worse than any other form of fishing?
Sarah (guest)  -  March 21, 2006, 20:09
I agree with Jenny and Ricce. If you are going to fish, break their necks as soon as you get them out of the water. Don't make them suffer longer than they have to.
cxn (guest)  -  March 24, 2006, 15:29
Very humane fishing - without using the hook.
sally (guest)  -  March 26, 2006, 00:25
The best way witch uses for fishing...hh
Seijiro (guest)  -  March 29, 2006, 02:09
Hilarious (however spelled). Loved it. And yes, why is this different than any other for, of fishing. This way they won't have a hook in their mouth. :P Life's cruel, just get used to it.
mindbullets (guest)  -  March 29, 2006, 11:36
yeah, im a vegetarian, so i think killing animals is wrong, but people were biologically designed to eat meat, and unfortunately but inevitably, people will always eat fish. many people, either as a step towards vegetarianism or in accordance to their own morals, only eat fish and avoid other meats--which is a lot better than eating regular old factory farmed beef and pork--promoting weird growth hormones, manure pollution to the environment, REAL prolonged cruelty towards animals, crazy vaccinations, etc, etc. fishing is better than the meat farming process, and these people especially were minimally impacting the environment...however, it WOULD have been nice if they broke the fish's necks quickly. whatever; veggie or not, the fish are going nuts!! crazy, no?
jimbo (guest)  -  April 7, 2006, 04:43
it ain't politics, it's just a fat guy manipulating nature and I'm sorry his boat didn't capsize. It isn't like he needed the food, right?
Dee (guest)  -  April 9, 2006, 21:24
I eat fish. I'd do the same thing with a bug zapper. Dinner is served!
visitor (guest)  -  April 15, 2006, 08:44
All the fish should jump on the boat and sink it- that would make this funnier. But the fish attracted to the light is pretty interesting.
Gahah (guest)  -  May 10, 2006, 18:01
please, you can't feel sorry for fishes? they dosen't even know they can't live above water.. it was the fishes that jumped into the boat, they're foult.
:( (guest)  -  May 20, 2006, 15:19
not funny at all :(
Sadam_lox (guest)  -  May 29, 2006, 16:33
visiska nesamone
NSCR FAN (guest)  -  June 9, 2006, 20:10
Vegetarian - ancient word for piss poor hunter. Funny vid. The fish is a form of carp that is taking over some of the rivers in the USA. Like some of the folks here, it's a bottom feeder that is endangering the environment.
BOH YA! (guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 20:32
Now THAT´S my type of fishing! and to reply to whoever says "oh that is just SO faked", no, no it´s not, fish ARE this stupid, live with it.
 ALUCARD  -  July 14, 2006, 21:54
Lets just go fishing !
LOL (guest)  -  July 19, 2006, 04:25
holy shit thats the funniest thing lolllll, and JENNY And RICE plzzz go sace some animals, go to africa, shit people are eating near extint animals go save those ones
Arale  -  July 20, 2006, 09:40
I would at least have a bucket of water or something for the fish if I were to play with them. But this... wasn't funny to me at all. Not that I found it offensive; it just didn't make me giggle.
Fun! (guest)  -  August 10, 2006, 01:51
It's rainingggg fishessss!
mean (guest)  -  August 17, 2006, 17:35
I don't understand how some people can be so mean in this place. I don't think there's anything wrong with killing animals, it's more the way they're killed. I don't understand how some of you can't even appreciate other ideas. you may dissagree, but there's no point in getting all mean suddenly. That's called stupidity.
OH COME OOON (guest)  -  August 19, 2006, 17:18
OH COME ON!!!?? you cant be serious, this is so funny! Whatever, fishes have like what, three seconds memory? which means they only suffer for three seconds really? anyway, whatever, its not like people are going to stop eat fish anyway, right? so why stop? in this case, the fishes are ever dangering the enironment, so what if they die? it's fish! if i was a fish and people did this to me, i would probably go like, "WTF, i knew i shouldn't have jumped towards the light!" and then in three seconds i would forget all about it and go "why am i in a boat?" and then they forget it again, that's why they get crazy, they keep on forgeting what tha fuck they're doung there... peace out!
ELLEN (guest)  -  August 19, 2006, 17:19
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I agree with "OH COME OOON", how can this possibly be wrong?! people have always been eating fish, so why stop now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA fuck you jenny and the rest "oh we love fish" HAHAAH
Dumber: Fish or us? (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 00:06
I'm not sure they were intentionally getting the fish to jump into the boat - arn't they just demonstrating that the fish do that? Do fish have necks? And no, of course it wouldn't be as funny to watch a cat drown - but you can't just take the whole animal "kingdom" as one big lump. There are massive differences in degrees of intelligence, personality and understanding of surroundings and situations between different animals. A cat understands fear and consequence - if someone hits a cat one day, the next day it will hiss at that person, or run off. A fish would be totally oblivious to any such activity. It is simply not as cruel because the fish has no fear of it's impending doom or understanding of the consequences of being out of water - it is only thrashing because it's simple nervous system says "flap until you reach water". That's probably also the reason they flap the whole time they are jumping through the air.
Dumber: Fish or us? (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 00:19
I'm not sure they were intentionally getting the fish to jump into the boat - arn't they just demonstrating that the fish do that? Do fish have necks? And no, of course it wouldn't be as funny to watch a cat drown - but you can't just take the whole animal "kingdom" as one big lump. There are massive differences in degrees of intelligence, personality and understanding of surroundings and situations between different animals. A cat understands fear and consequence - if someone hits a cat one day, the next day it will hiss at that person, or run off. A fish would be totally oblivious to any such activity. It is simply not as cruel because the fish has no fear of it's impending doom or understanding of the consequences of being out of water - it is only thrashing because it's simple nervous system says "flap until you reach water". That's probably also the reason they flap the whole time they are jumping through the air.
Dumber: Fish or us? (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 00:19
I'm not sure they were intentionally getting the fish to jump into the boat - arn't they just demonstrating that the fish do that? Do fish have necks? And no, of course it wouldn't be as funny to watch a cat drown - but you can't just take the whole animal "kingdom" as one big lump. There are massive differences in degrees of intelligence, personality and understanding of surroundings and situations between different animals. A cat understands fear and consequence - if someone hits a cat one day, the next day it will hiss at that person, or run off. A fish would be totally oblivious to any such activity. It is simply not as cruel because the fish has no fear of it's impending doom or understanding of the consequences of being out of water - it is only thrashing because it's simple nervous system says "flap until you reach water". That's probably also the reason they flap the whole time they are jumping through the air.
mean (guest)  -  August 20, 2006, 23:20
I agree with Fish or us. By the way Ellen, and OH COME ON, They may forget everything that's going on, but you don't simply forget pain. I went fishing the other day, and I'm never doing it again, because I didn't know what I was doing, and I accidentally ripped the whole lip off a fish, and I really hate myself for that. I don't disagree with stop eating fish, it's more how they are killed. That fish that I ripped it's lip off won't simply forget that it's had it's lip ripped off. The fish aren't very intelligent, so when they see food, they're not going to think it through that there's a hook attatached or anything, they'll go for it. It's like whenever somebody sees a penny on the floor, they pick it up. Why don't we make sure that next time there's a penny, that the person who picks it up will then have their arm torn off, because it's basically the same thing. If you disagree with what I'm saying fair enough. There's no problem with that, but can you please don't go "you fucking fish lovers, you'll burn in hell with those fish that you want to fuck" because there's no reason for it. Please, show everybody that your more intelligent then fish (this message is directed to everyone who can't appreciate other peoples opinions)
 Deleted0001  -  September 12, 2006, 14:18
Good luck!
[/beginrant] (guest)  -  September 14, 2006, 09:59
Ok...Yeah, the vid ain't that funny. Yeah, some morons'll think it's cruel, but yeah, those fuckers can go to Hell. I agree with 'Dumber: Fish or us?' And if you guys don't like it, tough. They're fish, they have no emotions, and it doesn't even show what the guys did with the fish afterwards. For all you dumbasses know, they might've tossed 'em back, and they might've taken them home and had themselves a neighborhood fish fry. I'm sorry, but I know for a damn fact that if you were starving, you'd eat those fish no matter what you thought of them. Conservationist or not, you gotta eat to survive. [/endrant]
lalasland20 (guest)  -  September 16, 2006, 15:53
i think this is a very funny video and alot of you are looking too deeply into something thats ment for entertainment..get over yourselfs..they put them back.
keke (guest)  -  September 22, 2006, 12:36
Spanfarkle (guest)  -  September 25, 2006, 17:39
The only reason you people have "ethical" problems with fishing, hunting, ranching, or any other form of "animal cruelty" is that you are rich (in world terms), well-fed, and don't have to work very hard (if at all) to put food on the table. Vegitarianism is a luxury lifestyle - most people don't have the means to support it. The reason we eat meat is that its the most efficient means of gathering the most nutrients with the least trouble. If you don't eat meat, good for you - but please! Spare us your surmons on how the little fishies must ache! Get a life, get a job, get some perspective.
AutoNiN (guest)  -  September 29, 2006, 03:17
Digging the Top Gun Theme running in the background... :)
catal (guest)  -  October 13, 2006, 06:54
Those are some dumbass fishez lol.
SNOOTSNOT  -  November 22, 2006, 10:52
I feel the need.The need for speed!!!
Alco (guest)  -  March 7, 2007, 17:10
How can you fell sorry for the fish? they are attacking the poor man sitting in the boat!!
Kristy (guest)  -  March 19, 2007, 17:59
Obviously there are a lot of people out there who make assumptions that animals including fish can't feel and that's been proven false... and by the way humans were NOT designed to eat meat. We ate mostly plants for most of our history, and do not have the teeth or claws or speed to be much of a hunter naturally...get your facts straight.
Robby (guest)  -  March 21, 2007, 17:30
I thought Sarah's comment above was hilarious, "break the fish'es necks???" ok, you find the neck, and I'll break it!! Duhhh. Oh, and Kristy, who needs claws, or fangs or even extraordinary speed when we have, guns, knives, superior intelligence, and mt new personal favorite,, spotlights on the water. Take your bleeding hearts to Africa or Central America and tell those folks they were'nt designed to eat meat or fish, they might agree and decide that you are easier to catch and skewer. Boo hooo, those poor little fishies........whatever. I'm an animal lover, they are delicious!! And remember, if you want to save an animal, you can always EAT ME!!!!!
Kristy (guest)  -  March 21, 2007, 18:47
I love how "vegetarianism is a luxury lifestyle" It is way more expensive to raise meat vs plants!!!!!
-- (guest)  -  January 28, 2008, 09:19
Don't know... you can't blame the man, he didn't exactly FORCE the fish to jump into his boat... but the fishes are stupid so you can't blame them for jumping into the boat either... Still, not nice to see them struggle.
tornado (guest)  -  November 15, 2009, 19:12
Spanfarkle: You're completely wrong. Vegetarianism is the choice of most poor people throughout the world because meat is WAY more expensive than vegetables. Most people don't have the means to support a meat-eating lifestyle. Travel to any country outside of the western world and you will see that. Now please stop telling other people to get perspective on issues you don't understand.
saif (guest)  -  November 24, 2009, 15:05
apart from all this stuff... im just intrested to know.... why would these fishes behave like that?.... any scientific reason?.//

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