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Weird Al Yankovic - Amish paradise

March 10, 2006


xrat3d (guest)  -  March 15, 2006, 18:40
x3m (guest)  -  March 16, 2006, 10:01
RH (guest)  -  March 18, 2006, 01:04
This one is sooo great! Al for president!
Thec (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 23:22
they are real good
yk (guest)  -  April 1, 2006, 18:39
well put togeather
(guest)  -  April 13, 2006, 13:38
just excellent !
soulcloud (guest)  -  April 13, 2006, 19:31
boom (guest)  -  April 17, 2006, 16:14
lol nice
Frank Zappa (guest)  -  April 17, 2006, 21:52
Nice one Al!
pete (guest)  -  May 10, 2006, 03:52
lmao. that is the funniest thing ive seen all year!
Fab (guest)  -  May 18, 2006, 17:14
h4x0r (guest)  -  May 20, 2006, 18:29
This video is funny, but somebody did a bad job spelling his last name. Its Yankovic, not Yanlovic.
(guest)  -  May 20, 2006, 19:16
h4x0r: Oops, corrected ;)
(guest)  -  May 21, 2006, 01:49
Weird Al rulz UHF is my favorite movie
(guest)  -  May 22, 2006, 10:18
this is actually better than the original!
dago (guest)  -  May 27, 2006, 23:07
great.. leave in Waterloo Ont and this is really close to the folks around here!
biscuit (guest)  -  May 29, 2006, 01:56
Cyberman3 (guest)  -  May 30, 2006, 04:27
VERY well put together, video and song alike, almost flawless! Al OWNZ!!!!
techno (guest)  -  May 30, 2006, 04:32
were those kids looking at Amish Porno?
Noticed somethin (guest)  -  June 1, 2006, 02:59
Was the dude in the background @ the part of the dude lookin @ the watch golfing?
(guest)  -  June 28, 2006, 10:46
LOL (guest)  -  June 28, 2006, 20:04
LOL (guest)  -  June 28, 2006, 20:04
woodturner99 (guest)  -  July 4, 2006, 03:03
Exceptional video!
(guest)  -  July 13, 2006, 04:40
Amish people freak me out.
gy (guest)  -  July 28, 2006, 16:08
Tugteen (guest)  -  August 4, 2006, 06:33
XD this is awesome!
Serveck (guest)  -  August 4, 2006, 06:44
what song is this originally? how weired al re-lyrics songs already made.
Cr3d (guest)  -  August 16, 2006, 04:51
"what song is this originally?" It's Gangsta paradise by Coolio..
Cr3d (guest)  -  August 16, 2006, 04:52
"what song is this originally?" It's Gangsta paradise by Coolio..
Cr3d (guest)  -  August 16, 2006, 04:52
"what song is this originally?" It's Gangsta paradise by Coolio..
truckrgrrl (guest)  -  August 19, 2006, 21:40
Weird Al rocks!! I have loved him ever since he did "Another One Rides the Bus"!!
(guest)  -  September 1, 2006, 05:13
(guest)  -  September 2, 2006, 16:18
lol , i want live there
Gaarulf (guest)  -  September 19, 2006, 17:24
Weird al! w00t
(guest)  -  September 29, 2006, 17:44
A classic!
bla (guest)  -  October 26, 2006, 14:26
kaos ownz (guest)  -  December 5, 2006, 19:18
weird all is awsome lolz if yall play runescape add me my user is kaos ownz
i give stuff free as well.....
mrsjc (guest)  -  January 11, 2007, 16:20
there is no phone no lights no motor car that was funny!!! :D
? (guest)  -  January 12, 2007, 18:44
i have a normal this song of gangsta but this is .... maby cooler maby not
kyanna hart (guest)  -  January 24, 2007, 23:30
thats funny but mean i live in lancaster and we do have amish but we also have normal people meany a
kyanna hart (guest)  -  January 24, 2007, 23:33
and there are phone light and motor cars but we not all amish mean
kyanna hart (guest)  -  January 24, 2007, 23:35
if youall play runescape add me my user name is keekee86 i give away free stuff
rider456 (guest)  -  February 5, 2007, 23:43
i love amish paradise. its as funny as...stuff
(guest)  -  February 26, 2007, 20:34
You know, this video is very funny, but it did make me sort of sad. I think it's because the song is right.
(guest)  -  March 11, 2007, 18:12
Ah, just read something interesting on Wikipedia. It said that Weird Al asked an Amish community whether he could make the song about them, since they'd never watch it, he felt a bit guilty of making fun of them behind their backs, so he asked them, and they said sure! I think that's off wikipedia.
james (guest)  -  May 2, 2007, 23:05
Thats so awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adfa (guest)  -  September 27, 2011, 08:02
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