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The end of the world
March 30, 2006
52 20
Eric (guest) - March 31, 2006, 00:47
Hehe, so stupid and childish. But pretty funny. :)
Mymla (guest) - March 31, 2006, 14:34
LOL! And Australia still like...WTF?
(guest) - April 1, 2006, 16:08
old as the earth, but still quite funny
Raven (guest) - April 2, 2006, 01:16
funny... is freakin hilarious
Syrax (guest) - April 2, 2006, 03:44
This is the funniest movie in I have seen in a great while!
bgfrd (guest) - April 3, 2006, 01:26
every time i see this i laugh my ass off for like 5 min
anna (guest) - April 4, 2006, 19:11
that was so WTF! but funny
D-ruch (guest) - April 10, 2006, 09:23
Love this one! This is where we got "like WTF?" in speech from in our little circle of amigos
EZ (guest) - April 11, 2006, 01:51
Laught so much
(guest) - April 11, 2006, 02:46
Stolen, but still hilarious
(guest) - April 20, 2006, 23:10
US Airborne Infantry Member (guest) - May 14, 2006, 05:17
lol! thats all I have to say
(guest) - May 15, 2006, 00:17
F*ckin' kangaroos...
wtf mate (guest) - May 19, 2006, 23:31
Heh heh...fucking kangaroos.
Kim (guest) - May 21, 2006, 04:08
oh i laughed so much when he said ''to go and hang with hawaii'' who ever did this made me laugh so much!
Gir99 (guest) - May 28, 2006, 15:45
Good Funny theroy
Gustaf (guest) - May 31, 2006, 21:33
you take washington state and massachusettes with you and you have all normality and brainpower of the states...
Dadoo (guest) - July 7, 2006, 00:53
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! i have never laght so much!!
sdrawkcab (guest) - July 8, 2006, 09:14
Interesting how China's flag looks a lot like that of Japan's. Funny movie :P
GARYsurvivor (guest) - July 15, 2006, 01:15
This makes me wonder why anybody would ever take a flash video and encode it into ANY video format. Thanks for making this file 3 times longer to download.
Laught so much
and you are right, the funniest part is when the meteor's like 'well fuck that'
Nice made! xD
anyone know if there any more to the series? :D