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Mentos and diet coke

April 10, 2006


Kerafyrm (guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 17:42
Try emptying a sack in a tank at a factory next time ;)
(guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 17:53
Idaho (guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 17:53
Yay! :D
Idaho (guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 17:55
...and nice giggle btw.
isse (guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 21:50
He laughs like a horse and whats with the medieval haircut?
very old... (guest)  -  April 10, 2006, 22:50
@isse: Because he is a nerd. They laugh and look like that
damn (guest)  -  April 11, 2006, 10:13
kriz (guest)  -  April 11, 2006, 10:13
ruthlessjack (guest)  -  April 11, 2006, 14:40
wow - gonna give that one a go tomorrow - just for an easter joke
farky (guest)  -  April 11, 2006, 22:46
it was sexier when tubgirl did it...
zymurgist (guest)  -  April 12, 2006, 05:03
if you've ever used a mop on the ceiling, you might be a homebrewer, or this guy.
ex dictator (guest)  -  April 16, 2006, 16:04
Great balls of fire! There are some really sick people out there, hehehehe.
Flänsen (guest)  -  April 16, 2006, 20:02
Don´t talk shit about my retarded half-brother or I will become midevil on your arses.
Eve the filthy sow (guest)  -  April 20, 2006, 23:36
Well, excuse me then, flänsen, but it sounds like a dog in the backround. Fools!!
(guest)  -  May 10, 2006, 01:19
Tee hee, I'm so excited!
VilkkuS (guest)  -  May 16, 2006, 08:31
Interesting.... is there any law suite waiting? ;)
Maxime (guest)  -  May 23, 2006, 15:27
Wtf? i wil try it at home!!!
and then i wil see if it works..

ahahaahahhaah my little rabbit is dead aaaahahahahahhahaahh...

you knew i like to play counter strike source, but i like allot to play battle field2.

and you know o have a friend and he plays a very stupid game the name of the game is naturial selection
is so stupid!!>...

an di dont knew if a said it al redy but nabour have's a HAMSTER it cals WilBert It is A Very Nice Name FOr A HAMSTER..

So bye bye now i must go to my yoga lessens...

PS: Kids Dont Do DRUGS!!!.. it hapends to me and it is not FUNNY!!.
.... (guest)  -  May 23, 2006, 15:28
lol / \
david (guest)  -  May 23, 2006, 21:03
hahahahahah maxime so fuckin stupit can't spell to!!
MAxime (guest)  -  May 29, 2006, 18:42
Fuck OFf
(guest)  -  July 14, 2006, 20:30
Wow! He-Man!
fana (guest)  -  August 5, 2006, 08:17
what i do at home is, i put the mentos in (about 5) and just as it about to blow i quickly screw the lid on, and my frends and i go outside on the road and we take the bottle and throw it as hard as we can at the pavement and the bottle take huge air and all u see is the bottle go flying with a spray of coke following it. :p
holy FUCK (guest)  -  August 8, 2006, 17:15
Maxime go suck dick
david (guest)  -  August 19, 2006, 19:55
RAFFL (guest)  -  August 19, 2006, 19:59
omg maxime haha i'm happy for you'r fuckin hamster and yoga lessons ? wtf??
PS:just go fuck you'r fuckin counter-strike game...
(guest)  -  August 27, 2006, 19:01
lol Maxime
(guest)  -  September 16, 2006, 18:40
These are classics!
gaiboi1020 (guest)  -  September 17, 2006, 18:50
ughh soooo old
KEKE (guest)  -  September 20, 2006, 10:16
COOL... we did that in class last year
Meh (guest)  -  October 1, 2006, 05:58
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