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Champagne tower

June 5, 2006


Enselic (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 18:58
That video makes you nervous!
(guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 20:02
I wonder how they took it down... one by one?
Dave (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 21:22
Perfect time for an earthquake... ;-)
Ed (guest)  -  June 6, 2006, 03:30
and tomorrow.....the video where it all falls down please??
Jocke (guest)  -  June 8, 2006, 11:24
They must have been fucked up a few hours after this shoot?
(guest)  -  September 2, 2006, 17:13
Dude, that's a lot of champagne glasses.
PHB (guest)  -  March 7, 2007, 10:01
Jeroen van Craaikamp (guest)  -  November 23, 2008, 02:39
Indeed, we took it down one by one. We lost 450 glasses in the process. It was really fun though.
Jeroen van Craaikamp (guest)  -  November 23, 2008, 02:40
btw: it was a tower with 37.820 glasses
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