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Diet coke and mentos - The domino effect
October 31, 2006
37 15
nisse (guest) - October 31, 2006, 14:59
fuck this is awsome ;D
bluppo (guest) - October 31, 2006, 15:07
Waste of money and time... and besides that... totally useless...
(guest) - October 31, 2006, 17:00
Dude...that's so cool.
Santoz (guest) - October 31, 2006, 18:26
Please remenber that there are so many people is starving to death. Can you dudes spend your money and passion on something else?
(guest) - October 31, 2006, 19:34
#2 they prolly got sponsered all that coke and mentos..
this is by far the best coke/mentos movie yet :D
QuAKeR_996 (guest) - October 31, 2006, 20:14
ohh come on shut up!. this is a great example of the human mind. if u have complains about money being spent very idioticy there r many places to find this kind of phenomena
Serveck (guest) - October 31, 2006, 21:17
thesse guys only live like an hour from me.. i need to see them, otherwise, they just beat their record with like 2000+ bottles all going off by themselves
tt (guest) - October 31, 2006, 21:33
If so many people are starving to death, what the hell are you paying internet for? That money could be used to buy them food.
Or better just deal with the fact that we can't feed everyone and that having fun is an important part of life.
(guest) - October 31, 2006, 21:52
I actually saw this yesterday, the day it was released. I think it's kind of cool. But I agree with Tt...
treqie (guest) - November 1, 2006, 01:03
I'm wondering how icky the grass is after that experiment. :P
(guest) - November 1, 2006, 02:58
I think they are lame, just dropping mentos into coke... big deal... more exciting to see people make rockets out of them.
bad (guest) - November 1, 2006, 07:14
it was rly rly pointless but it did look sorta kool but i agree that there are places where that munny could have gone.
PS: wots the music called?
(guest) - November 1, 2006, 13:02
A lot of ppl seem to get upset when food is wasted, but I really hope this is not the case here, since there is pretty much *no* energy in diet coke...
And about wasting money and time, this is called entertainment, do you write letters to game shows on TV as well? So what if we spent all time and money to make sure everyone had food, would you want to live in a world without any entertainment whatsoever? No music, no movies, no TV-shows etc.
Having more than one car per adult in a household, having multi million dollar houses, private jets, *that's* wasting money. This is nothing. I don't see why this particular video get so much complaints, but not the other ones on this site...
I thought i was pretty funny, not that impressive though ;)
(guest) - November 1, 2006, 13:03
*I thought IT was...
poll (guest) - November 1, 2006, 21:45
this ones cooler
Zegge (guest) - November 2, 2006, 02:18
Well,,theres no way to ignore that a lot of money is (wasted)on entertainment.
But look at it this whay,,how much do u need to pay for a coke,,and how much do u need to pay for a basic firework?
o wonder how much money that literaly burn to smoke ewery new year.
Zegge (guest) - November 2, 2006, 02:23
Well,,theres no way to ignore that a lot of money is (wasted)on entertainment.
But look at it this whay,,how much do u need to pay for a coke,,and how much do u need to pay for a basic firework?
o wonder how much money that literaly burn to smoke ewery new year.
(guest) - November 4, 2006, 19:31
In regards to what "Zegge" is saying, don't you think Diet Coke and Mentos are a little better for the environment than blowing it up?
The fact that they took the time just to entertain others made me happy, at least.
Dunno about any of the rest of you.
tobbe (guest) - November 4, 2006, 22:58
lets all celebrate this fantastic entertainment by giving 5 dollars to some poor guy on the street. Happy now, all you that whine about "food" getting wasted... besides coke is not classed as food by me...
Magnus (guest) - November 10, 2006, 16:46
No one cares a sec what it means that two "normal" things we usually mix in our stomachs during a movie or so actually explodes when joined?
I don´t want to give that chemical stuff to starving lads in africa. Not eat it myself either, to be honest.
But the video was really fun! I appreciate it!
Rob (guest) - November 13, 2006, 02:52
Dude that was awsome and you do have to much free time lol
Gengar003 (guest) - November 22, 2006, 07:03
Made my day. Words cannot describe the sheer amount of awesome contained within.
Crazy-92 (guest) - December 14, 2006, 19:18
Old Good Diet Coke and Mentos! XD
Cutthroat Bill (guest) - December 23, 2006, 08:10
That was very impressive!
(guest) - February 12, 2007, 14:11
The way too much free time bit at the endy sums it up
this is by far the best coke/mentos movie yet :D
Or better just deal with the fact that we can't feed everyone and that having fun is an important part of life.
PS: wots the music called?
And about wasting money and time, this is called entertainment, do you write letters to game shows on TV as well? So what if we spent all time and money to make sure everyone had food, would you want to live in a world without any entertainment whatsoever? No music, no movies, no TV-shows etc.
Having more than one car per adult in a household, having multi million dollar houses, private jets, *that's* wasting money. This is nothing. I don't see why this particular video get so much complaints, but not the other ones on this site...
I thought i was pretty funny, not that impressive though ;)
But look at it this whay,,how much do u need to pay for a coke,,and how much do u need to pay for a basic firework?
o wonder how much money that literaly burn to smoke ewery new year.
But look at it this whay,,how much do u need to pay for a coke,,and how much do u need to pay for a basic firework?
o wonder how much money that literaly burn to smoke ewery new year.
The fact that they took the time just to entertain others made me happy, at least.
Dunno about any of the rest of you.
I don´t want to give that chemical stuff to starving lads in africa. Not eat it myself either, to be honest.
But the video was really fun! I appreciate it!