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What to do in a zombie attack - trilogy

November 13, 2006


happy (guest)  -  November 13, 2006, 21:20
Kewl :) now where's my shotgun...
yo mamma (guest)  -  November 13, 2006, 21:49
zzz (guest)  -  November 13, 2006, 23:22
(guest)  -  November 14, 2006, 02:08
(guest)  -  November 14, 2006, 15:57
LoL!! Pull the zombies arm of and start beating the crap out of him :P!
(guest)  -  November 14, 2006, 19:48
Kitchen knives are exxelent for peircing the temple though....
(guest)  -  November 14, 2006, 20:28
Doesn't matter if it's dull - it got a deeper not-so-hidden message.
ok-- (guest)  -  November 14, 2006, 21:27
very dull, totally sucks..
Badeanden90: and that might be that communists are zombies?
or that it is an irony of propaganda from the states?
(guest)  -  November 14, 2006, 22:58
Ehehe, I hope people didn't think I meant that. Because the show kind of makes fun of the American view on defending the individual.
Dull indeed (guest)  -  November 15, 2006, 16:05
funny for a while, but I for one got sick of it and jumped alot in it
Phoo (guest)  -  November 15, 2006, 19:46
Haha, Be a good american and surrender your self to the lager group. Sort of the same policy like the russians XD
aboot disfilm (guest)  -  November 16, 2006, 22:39
Excellent satire for a home video. Must have been fun for the cast and crew to make.
(guest)  -  October 16, 2007, 00:16
help save America, slow the zombies down!!, by letting them eat you
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