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Best of Donald Rumsfeld

November 19, 2006


(guest)  -  November 19, 2006, 17:08
I thought it was funny...
(guest)  -  November 19, 2006, 18:12
Haha I thought it was really funny :)
(guest)  -  November 19, 2006, 23:38
Very funny =)
pre (guest)  -  November 20, 2006, 03:07
hahah, the best one is him rolling a joint. hilarious
lÃ¥ (guest)  -  November 20, 2006, 12:51
real fun about a stupid man
(guest)  -  November 20, 2006, 15:55
emm... Ulf, cant watch the youtube videos with opera (8.54 i think) can u fix it?
(guest)  -  November 20, 2006, 17:39
@JoHooH - Hmm, no.. The player is directly from YouTube. Try updating your flash version?
Sly (guest)  -  November 21, 2006, 04:14
hehe u have that chance in USA , u have political with some humor.
(guest)  -  November 22, 2006, 19:33
(guest)  -  November 22, 2006, 19:34
fak e fak e :P <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">
(guest)  -  November 22, 2006, 19:34
ok i'll try that... thx Ulf great web site :D
(guest)  -  November 23, 2006, 02:20
it rocked
uppdateradittmongo (guest)  -  November 23, 2006, 16:26
this vid really sucked, it should just have been a vid of rumsfeld's head being blown off..
fake (guest)  -  November 23, 2006, 18:41
<img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> :D
(guest)  -  November 24, 2006, 18:15
very best show
(guest)  -  December 22, 2006, 02:25
No crap it is f ake, it is funny as crap though
tor (guest)  -  February 2, 2007, 07:36
i thik it's fanny.... it'sso boring
DutchDooD (guest)  -  March 15, 2007, 13:45
that was funny as f*ck^_^
btw pre, he was NOT rolling a joint, those are made a bit more complicated.
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