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Crazy birds island

December 8, 2006


pre (guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 12:52
wtf kind of bird is that
(guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 16:11
Trippy birds... probably ate some strange jungleflowers :P
(guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 17:05
thats just crazy..I love these bbc bird shows where can I find the full length videos of this?
Dave (guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 18:35
This is part of the BBC Planet Earth series.
Tim (guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 19:19
David Attenborough rocks!
(guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 21:51
costre (guest)  -  December 8, 2006, 23:20
They should do a series on man. "Watch how the female spends up to 90 minutes grooming herself to look more attractive than the other females. In the meantime, the males are spraying themselves with aromatic oils, hoping to catch the interest of the female. They display themselves in crowded areas of their colony, often intoxicated from consuming fermented liquids."
trak (guest)  -  December 9, 2006, 12:07
costre, isnt that from the movie "the meeting habbit between the earthbound human"? a documentary made by aliens about the meeting habbit on earth^^
dev (guest)  -  December 9, 2006, 22:55
So cool - I liked the smiley on the bird. :)
gtr (guest)  -  December 10, 2006, 15:30
(guest)  -  December 11, 2006, 11:36
Look like aliens! Why haven't I heard of these before?
LoL (guest)  -  December 20, 2006, 05:18
Lol what a bunch of loonies
(guest)  -  February 15, 2007, 01:11
if i saw that blue and black thing bouncing around and clicking it would technically be a <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">
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