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Peguin as pet
April 15, 2007
30 13
(guest) - April 15, 2007, 16:40
Should be filed under Impressive imo... One heck of a pet! :D
(guest) - April 15, 2007, 19:11
That was just so cute! This is truly impressive.
(guest) - April 15, 2007, 20:46
Lol its a midget in a penguin suit! Fake <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake"> <img src="fake.gif" alt="fake">! (lol)
Just kidding, its cute!
dustin (guest) - April 16, 2007, 04:54
thats pretty cool
debbie (guest) - April 16, 2007, 13:38
hahahahaha gay
(guest) - April 16, 2007, 18:30
Why do people try so hard to let animals look like humans? The penguin is impressivily trained, but he shouldn't walk around with a backpack to make it a "cute pet". Great that they saved him though :)
Pengwins! (guest) - April 16, 2007, 21:34
I would love a penguin as a pet. They are the best animal ever.
pc5020 (guest) - April 16, 2007, 21:38
im surprised they havent eaten him yet!!!
(guest) - April 17, 2007, 03:43
Yo this penguin has got a good life compared to normal penguins, if you have ever watched "March of the Penguin" then you would no.
Just kidding, its cute!