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Propaganda with Donald Duck

March 5, 2006


Sven (guest)  -  March 6, 2006, 12:51
The narrator really lost it at the end there and went completely nuts!
Frida (guest)  -  March 6, 2006, 21:59
svenskmansbarm (guest)  -  March 8, 2006, 06:18
dont be sad frida :(
it was a different time and a war actually worth fighting and financing with taxes, cuts and out of tune and questionable usage of innocent cartoon figures.
SWE (guest)  -  March 10, 2006, 02:47
Pleas americanes. don't pay your taxes no more
MB (guest)  -  March 14, 2006, 14:19
Pay your taxes to fight the terrorists
GER (guest)  -  March 14, 2006, 23:46
I dig propaganda anyway! do you?
König (guest)  -  March 18, 2006, 00:42
This is rubbish. How could they use cartoons as propaganda, talk about being desperate. This shitty mentality about patriotic americans are ruining the whole world.
Screw you hippies (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 01:09
Yeah Konig, like death,famine,hunger,poverty, disease,hate,warlords,guns,domestic violence,drugs,and overpopulation ARENT ruining the world. dumbarse.
TrueBlue (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 02:43
HA, Imagine a person with a German Tagname (Konig), not liking American patriotism! Dont you have some more forgiveness to beg? You think we forgot what we found when we got there?
JL (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 02:56
And yes Konig, they were desparate, what with there being a world war and all that. But of course you are right and ONLY THE AMERICANS HAD SUCH PATRIOTIC PROPEGANDA! Some one didnt listen in history class now did they???
Smith (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 09:16
Imagine what people will say 60 years from now when looking at the propaganda of today. We can all learn something about questioning our own opininons when we see this - because back then nobody thought it to be propaganda.
Todd (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 15:10
Then, like now, we were in a battle to protect this country from those who would do us harm. We should make no excuses for protecting our land and the land of our allies. I can't admit to loving to pay taxes, but I do love my country and will pay what it takes to keep it free.
DC (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 17:49
Wow that was retarted, a testament to the fucktards here in America. i hope this country rots in hell.
RRush (guest)  -  March 22, 2006, 21:45
Onlyou one thing to say; If you don't like it here then go somewhere else and don't come here in the first place. We won't miss you at all. I love this country too and I have been to several others. There is no place like home..! Go troops we love you and miss you..
SK (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 04:20
I guess some of you don't know that back then the only time you saw cartoons like this were before movies. Right with the news reel. Don't know what a news reel is? Think of it as a 2 minute CNN/Reuters report before every movie. But don't let alittle think like historical perspective get in the way of your blind hatred of a current government.
FreedomPatriot (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 07:41
Do you care nothing for you country? A country which our fore-fathers died saving so that we may live free and happy lives? You all don't understand just how good we have it here do you? Look at the countries in Africa for instance, they're bottomed out, leaning on other countries for complete support. Screw all of you that live here and don't like it. If that's the case, move to England or something, but quit fucking it up for the rest of us here.
Elf Da (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 09:37
as an illustrator and friend of several animators: this really is beautifully done.
And looking at when it was made; good on 'em. I don't like war.
but I also don't like Nazis.
war (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 16:52
this is bullshit,,, america sucks big time,, better of if axis won
Langos (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 21:34
This is rubbish. How could they use cartoons as propaganda, talk about being desperate. This shitty mentality about patriotic americans are ruining the whole world.

- Hear hear!!
Langos, again (guest)  -  March 23, 2006, 21:36
"Look at the countries in Africa for instance, they're bottomed out, leaning on other countries for complete support. "
Could that be because they were robbed blined by countrys like the UK, France and the US? Freaking dope, go to school, only not in the US.
Ree (guest)  -  March 25, 2006, 14:26
And kid´s look at this? i thnik the americans can shot they self -.-
Dandee Lion (guest)  -  March 27, 2006, 13:02
"All live in freedom"
Are people listening?
mindbullets (guest)  -  March 27, 2006, 18:28
yeah, i agree america's still nuts on propaganda, only its not in cartoons anymore.
anyways, has anyone seen the old popeye WWII propoganda? its, like, 5x nuttier than the donald duck one, and peppered with tasty racism!!
Wow (guest)  -  March 28, 2006, 01:42
And they say that cartoons are voilent today. I would love to see Dora the Explorer, or Spongebob be used for military propaganda. I understand times are different, I just think it's amazing how hipocritical politicians are of today's youth when they were being force fed this. It didn't start or end with war, anyone remember the "tar baby" cartoons that Disney put out? If you think about it, the same stuff goes on today, politicians are just a little more sly about it.
Odal (guest)  -  April 8, 2006, 23:41
I wonder when we'll be able to visit the Guantanamo memorial museum, just like we can visit Auschwitz and the others...
The BandWagon (guest)  -  April 9, 2006, 08:10
Kinda makes me want to pay more taxes...
Swede (guest)  -  April 17, 2006, 23:11
Americas patrioism has always been totaly fucked up, and their goverment propably got some kind of mental this is not wery suprising.

Go Germany!
Patriot (guest)  -  April 18, 2006, 21:23
Hail for Grand Finland. Damn that we lost the war.
you know what? FUCK AMERICA! (guest)  -  May 3, 2006, 03:24
This is a perfect example of you queerbait fuckers being a bunch of fucking faggots. No wonder your kids go and shoot up their schools! Even though this was from the 40's, not much has changed for you pricks! ROT IN HELL AMERICA!
Neil (guest)  -  May 4, 2006, 11:44
The concept is very sound. There was a financially crippling war on at the time. Like svenskmansbarm, I draw a disctinction between this kind of horrible patriotism and the one we see today from america.
(guest)  -  July 20, 2006, 10:09
Why does everyone here hate the US so much? God. D: Donald Duck is master of propaganda.
freedom (guest)  -  July 23, 2006, 23:23
hitler's dream of a united fascist europe will live, if only a short time, as an islamofascist eurabia. then they will shoot nukes, and it will be all over for europe's cultural treasures.

dying europe will rise again as a muslim vampire, only to have a nuclear stake thrust into it's hate-blackened heart.

unless, europe acts now to save their culture from the muslim invasion.
freedom (guest)  -  July 23, 2006, 23:39
hitler's dream of a united fascist europe will live, if only a short time, as an islamofascist eurabia. then they will shoot nukes, and it will be all over for europe's cultural treasures.

dying europe will rise again as a muslim vampire, only to have a nuclear stake thrust into it's hate-blackened heart.

unless, europe acts now to save their culture from the muslim invasion.
the brigs (guest)  -  July 30, 2006, 00:56
Ah, the festering core of democracy polluting minds once again! Because fighting aggressors is more important than a lasting, prosperous peace.
Equilan (guest)  -  August 15, 2006, 21:04
Damn they really over-did it that time...C'mon kids let's go killing some evil german ppl with Donald!
Max (guest)  -  August 17, 2006, 02:25
it was jus a easy way to make kids understand the international situation.
And Soviet Union make muck more for the WW2 than americans. Nation ! The native nation of america is - American Indians.
hart (guest)  -  August 27, 2006, 09:26
next will be a short of yosimmity sam fighting them bushwacking terrorist
hart (guest)  -  August 27, 2006, 09:28
next will be a short of yosimmity sam fighting them bushwacking terrorist
Nerqo (guest)  -  August 30, 2006, 01:32
America is all about money and power, f... that and screw america
(guest)  -  September 12, 2006, 14:21
Gerb (guest)  -  October 1, 2006, 04:34
People who think their country is more important than anything else, are just nationalistic fools. They're not intelligent enough to understand that 'their' country does bad things as well. I pity people like that. Nationalistic scum.
(guest)  -  October 21, 2006, 10:33
I think the swedish politicians really need to see this movie, "taxes to keep democrasy on the march". They don't want to pay there own invented taxes.
reply to freedom (guest)  -  October 22, 2006, 12:29
Muslim invasion?...Wait, is America doing the exact same propagandic shit again? Sure, some extremists might do some terrorist bombings on a few targeted buildings, airports, etc, but the gouvernments are stupid enough to invade a union as strong as Europe, or America, because they dont have that mentality.. Try learning anything about something befor you start discussing issues that you clearly do NOT understand.
omg (guest)  -  October 23, 2006, 01:46
Now kids... this cartoon wasn't made for kids. Kids don't pay taxes, at least as far as i know. So if you are under 16(physically or mentally) I recommend you not to watch propaganda cartoons like this. Just stick with something like... well can't even think of any cartoon that i'd be certain of not being used for propaganda... uhm.. but maybe uhm.. just stay away from the TV ppl :)
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