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An inconvenient truth

April 22, 2006


bubu (guest)  -  April 22, 2006, 21:06
finally something important.
n/a (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 00:48
maybe if he were President our country would not be in the shape it is now...he is someone who truly cares for the people
monsterjoe (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 02:42
Pretty scary if you imagine yourself living and breathing in 100 years from now.
 zerogee  -  April 23, 2006, 03:34
dee (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 08:36
Am I color blind or do I see pollution?
Iota (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 12:25
Definately scary. The real question becomes are we going to be able to stop the problem once it becomes serious enough to keep more than a few forward thinkers attentions?
Gran (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 14:35
*sigh* This is such a downer. We've been talking about this for thirty damn years, and now the americans have "suddenly" discovered it. I cannot wait for them to come and tell us this "news".
 Lionheart  -  April 23, 2006, 18:50
This is very interesting ^_^. We must guarantee the future of our children.
VITLÖK (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 19:32
important very important i think about my children
Better believe it (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 21:47
That's right. You ignore this at your own peril. STOP DRIVING; USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT!
ANUS (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 23:03
lol wtf ownage tis is so fake lol april joke
moehoward (guest)  -  April 23, 2006, 23:42
bullshit al gore is a fucking moron--maybe i'd listen to al gore if he gave lessions on taking it up the ass!!!!he sure does!!!!
eNoLd (guest)  -  April 24, 2006, 02:50
Lol this has been debated for years in Sweden and criticism has been pointed towards the U.S. for ignoring this problem the whole time. Glad to see the inbred cowboys over there finally catching up.
Banjo (guest)  -  April 24, 2006, 21:09
We arent causing global warming USA are! BLAME AMERICA!!! :D
Svenne (guest)  -  April 24, 2006, 21:18
Zerogee your an idiot anus you are truly an anus and moehoward you are a blind asscockmaster because this is reality a reality the rest of the world have been aware of the past 50 years and if america don´t sign the kyoto protocol the rest of the world will suffer for it but hey america only cares about it´s economy and world status anyway.
bluePicasso (guest)  -  April 24, 2006, 23:43
Agreed...important above almost all else; perhaps other than freedom. Realistically, our Earth will not get sufficient protection from any of its major instituions in either US, EU, developing natios, until it becomes a matter of economic or strategic benefit. How many cities (+ MM of lives) are you willing to lose until you give up your car? Reuse, Recycle, Renew.
Zorro (guest)  -  April 26, 2006, 18:04
Even if it’s late it can’t be to much focus to this problem! GREAT!
SubZero (guest)  -  April 27, 2006, 22:16
I think if we buy more ICE COLD BUD-LIGHT then we all can get the temps down AND have a pretty good buz watching the thermometer drop!
SouthPark (guest)  -  April 27, 2006, 22:22
MAN-BEAR-PIG! Help Al Gore get his "HUNT" on and kill this thing dead!! ...dont forget to bring your beer chest!
SouthPark (guest)  -  April 27, 2006, 22:51
MAN-BEAR-PIG! Help Al Gore get his "HUNT" on and kill this thing dead!! ...dont forget to bring your beer chest! (guest)  -  April 29, 2006, 17:36
We all know the answer here... Nuke the moon!
Fearmonger (guest)  -  May 1, 2006, 20:29
Anyone who believes this should read "State of Fear" by Micheal Chrichton. He did tons of research and completely debunks the fearmongering these people are trying to cause. Yes, we should take better care of the planet, but are things this drastic actually happening with such urgency these people proclaim? No. In fact, research from last year indicates that now that the air is cleaner is some places, it's actually more causing more harm than good: "Reductions in industrial emissions in many countries, along with the use of particulate filters for car exhausts and smoke stacks, seem to have reduced the amount of dirt in the atmosphere and made the sky more transparent. That sounds like very good news. But the researchers say that more solar energy arriving on the ground will also make the surface warmer, and this may add to the problems of global warming." From a article, now available only to subscribers.
look I can fly (guest)  -  May 2, 2006, 01:07
is that the same al gore who invented the internet
brown (guest)  -  May 2, 2006, 17:35
turn your 600W SLI PC's off people before its too late...
Ray (guest)  -  May 4, 2006, 22:57
NEVER believe anything that has Al Gore as a part of it!
ThcDude (guest)  -  May 5, 2006, 10:22
the powers that be control the world and the u.s. but greed controls the people that be, other wise alot of things would be different.
1337Sweed-Guy (guest)  -  May 9, 2006, 02:16
dude(s) Swedes are like....soo good at like....being excellent at everything...we should be (by divined right) rule the world. That is the sub message of zerogee´s words.
Gorthax (guest)  -  May 9, 2006, 18:38
How can you possibly believe this has happened in the last half century? The earth has its long term cycles just as each year has its seasons. Why dont you pull your head out of your ass and think for yourself. And America being at fault.... England and the like have been pumping toxins and pollution into the atmosphere long long before America was even dreamed of, "The Killer Fog" it seems this is always conviently neglected to be mentioned when someone want to blame MY country. This planet has been here for billions of years, if the speck of modern humanity has caused every problem to date, this world is in for a fuck of time. And recycling is nothing more than a big business ploy. The energy and resources used to recycle one glass bottle, can efficiently produce 5 new glass bottles... Just so you know, I stocked up on cfc propellants and spray them like most people smoke cigarettes, just to offset you whiney, crying, the world is ending, fucking morons..... Before I forget, Sweden is good for nothing but pornstars and piracy......
Juhgu  -  May 10, 2006, 02:37
Gj Gorthax, I think you just broke the record on how much stupidity one post can contain.
Riiiight (guest)  -  May 13, 2006, 02:29
If you believe we caused all this in only 50/1000000000 years...
Helena (guest)  -  May 14, 2006, 02:23
Humans we are the tru plague on earth and have allways been , sorry but there are no return so it be and it is .
Driftwood Scavenger  -  May 17, 2006, 05:28
Excrement from a bull.
jm (guest)  -  May 25, 2006, 07:20
Very good. Only the stupid are still trying to deny global warming.
Septimus (guest)  -  May 28, 2006, 12:06
90% of C02 pollution is natural. Global warming is happening, but it's not due to humans. The earth, as someone previously stated, has a cycle. This involves global warming up to the point where the polar caps melt, then the golf-stream is interfered by the cold water, and there'll be an iceage in northern europe. Now, I don't know the full cycle, but I know that it's 100% natural, and it will happen. We may create small fluxations in this cycle, but it's basicly nothing.
... (guest)  -  May 28, 2006, 20:59
"Only the stupid are still trying to deny global warming." Exactly.
... (guest)  -  May 28, 2006, 21:00
"Only the stupid are still trying to deny global warming." Exactly.
Jore (guest)  -  May 31, 2006, 03:11
...those brainwashed, poorly educated Americans :( It's really sad if they are still more interested in their SUVs than the problem most serious ever faced mankind.
Alex (guest)  -  May 31, 2006, 20:51
I know there's an important message there, but I just can't trust a film trailer that says 'If you love your children, see this film.'
fat, ugly American (guest)  -  June 3, 2006, 20:09
American's are the problem? Freak all of you! At least we produce something from the energy we consume. Do you use any of that stuff? Thought so. Kyoto my ass. Looks like Britain in throwing that waste product agreement out the window, which you must know since you all have time on your hands sitting around doing nothing. Get a job and stop whining. Al Gore and the rest of the scare mongering idiots need an emergency in order to raise money, so they found one.
jon (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 11:08
This film is propaganda, pure and simple. You yanks seem to have a problem with something called 'grey'. Its in between black and white and its generally where the truth lies. I do believe in global warming but this sort of sensationalist shite is not going to help anyone. As usual Trey Parker and Matt Stone were completely on point with the Man-Bear-Pig episode.
bob (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 12:20
Democrats care as little about this as republicans. Its a fluke anyway, this planet has undergone natural climate changes throughout its history. What do you think suddenly caused an Ice Age? Was it humans damaging the atmosphere?! Nope, was simply the planet doing what it wanted to do. I'm sure humans have changed the climate a very small amount, but not so much to cause 20 degree weather changes and melting of ice caps. please. when i see someone in the Arctic with a mile wide blow drier melting it himself then ill believe were the ones responsible lol.
seriously (guest)  -  June 19, 2006, 02:18
blame the cows...LOL havent seen that posted yet.
joke all ya want (guest)  -  June 30, 2006, 20:58
but our kids kids are going to have some serious issues.. Selfish society
smartguy (guest)  -  July 12, 2006, 00:21
And this is why people in Europe see Americans as stupid nothing-good fat people... "If all people on earth would be living as americans it would require 4 planets to meet the needs of natural resources"... guess where from I got that one.. stupid yankees
BestOfTheBest (guest)  -  July 13, 2006, 02:49
This discussion scared a shit out of me. Not because of the movie, but that this is somekinda new issue to people from USA.(jeah! USA! USA!) I have heard lots of stories that If you walk in the USA, police or someone else will stop you and ask you If you are all right because you are not driving a car. In Europe puplictransportation is not only for the poor people. Fucking cowboys..
Arale  -  July 20, 2006, 09:37
Why... is everyone getting on America's case about it?
The Dude (guest)  -  July 25, 2006, 06:42
as far as I known... The main causing the global warming right now isnt just USA.... mainly china..... since their technology is so crap that they dont care about any shit that they are causing..... they rapidly damaging the global...which many scientist had mention this already...
The Dude (guest)  -  July 25, 2006, 06:58
as far as I known... The main causing the global warming right now isnt just USA.... mainly china..... since their technology is so crap that they dont care about any shit that they are causing..... they rapidly damaging the global...which many scientist had mention this already...
ignorant (guest)  -  July 29, 2006, 05:12
Its not me saying usa is the best country in the world, its them, so, if you really are - start using cars with small engines, even start using electric cars and show the rest of the world a good example as a leader should do.. if you infact are the leaders you will do whatever is in your power to make the world a better place. time will show who is best fit to lead this place into peace and harmony.. btw, you are doing an awefull job up until now.. you are acting like a kid, I'm not worst, he is worse than me.. and bullying smaller countries just like kids do. I'm not saying its usa's fault, I'm just saying you need to set a good standard, as you are selfclaimed leaders and all
Generic Name (guest)  -  July 31, 2006, 11:31
Wow, that was inconvenient...for me to watch. I'm pretty sure they could have shortened that to 30 seconds without having to repeat itself. Oh well, it isn't my problem. Once you guys are done blaming each other for killing the earth, call me when Canada melts or whatever they are suggesting.
Scrotum (guest)  -  August 2, 2006, 04:37
Here's some shit science for you fucktards who doubt this. 10 years ago approximately 600,000,000 cars in the world. 200,000,000 in the United States. But oh wait, it's the rest of the world who are the biggest polluters. This is just a natural cycle of the earth? Look out your friggin' window. Turn on the t.v. People dying from heat in the U.S. by the hundreds? Turn off your A.C. if this is all bullshit. And I love how you attack the messenger but can't defeat the message. So what if it's Al Gore. It could be Pee Wee Herman. It's still true. And as for him "inventing the internet", a quote taken out of context, much as John Lennon was misquoted, oh but wait, the outrage over that happened in the U.S. too. At least you don't hear him saying the internet is a series of FUCKING TUBES.
Mesingel (guest)  -  August 9, 2006, 19:34
I don't have a driver's licence! go me! (I think this is the only place I can be proud of that :p) - oh and Arale, I think that is because America is bloody HUGE, controls LOADS and LOADS of the world's economy, and hasn't signed the Kyoto agreement ;)
The Max (guest)  -  August 11, 2006, 04:28
Even an idiot knows there is only so much air, so much water, to use on this island that is OUR home. We need another power source for transportation.
steh (guest)  -  August 13, 2006, 09:44
Global warming is not a threat to the planet. Earth will do just fine. Of course, it might make life very difficult, uncomfortable and dangerous for a few thousand years but that doesn't matter in the long run.
Tobbe (guest)  -  August 14, 2006, 20:02
Ecen if those who is right when they say that global warmup is false, we really should try to reduce air pollution and water pollution. we already see the qonsequences of these pollutions like where i live. we used to have a nice lake but the last year it was pullution rain over the lake and all living stuff (fish and plants) died. Now we cant swim in it or eat the fish in it because it would be like drinking engine oil. truly.
Fox (guest)  -  August 18, 2006, 11:29
It is totally ridiculous that some people are still saying that problem isn't real. Or just closing their eyes and hoping that nothing too bad happens during their own lifetime. Quite selfish.
Vilxan (guest)  -  August 29, 2006, 21:38
Maybe people would act a bit more seriously if we started saying "the planet will not be destroyed, it will be fine. It will go by Global Warming, and go back to being normal, the things that won't are humans!" Humans will not survive through it. The heat is rising everywhere, and I don't believe some people will even think that global warming isn't a threat.
Niedec (guest)  -  September 4, 2006, 09:25
Global Warming is a phrase picked up by the media, really. It's something that scientists are really on the fence about, and the media, as always, runs out of the research facilities screaming "THIS IS TRUE! EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE TONGIGHT!" It's really sad. Regardless of if Carbon Dioxide dissipates in the ozone layer or remains, it still causes pollution on ground level, causing smog like in Victorian Era London or L.A. So just don't run around spraying DDT everywhere, use a little common sense, and we should be fine. Oh, and helping the environment never hurt anyone, either. Seriously, helping nature isn't a democrat thing. If it doesn't hurt you, you have nothing to lose.
Niedec (guest)  -  September 4, 2006, 09:32
Addendum: Wow. Everybody's so racist with this issue. I think that's the great thing about wars. All the racist people demonize the other side, run into a battlefield, and shoot each other dead. They solve their own problem. I, on the other hand, would much rather GET ALONG with the world. Sadly, the world doesn't want to get along with me. Especially considering the area where I live: Boise, Idaho.
Niedec (guest)  -  September 4, 2006, 09:32
Addendum: Wow. Everybody's so racist with this issue. I think that's the great thing about wars. All the racist people demonize the other side, run into a battlefield, and shoot each other dead. They solve their own problem. I, on the other hand, would much rather GET ALONG with the world. Sadly, the world doesn't want to get along with me. Especially considering the area where I live: Boise, Idaho.
Heikki from Finland (guest)  -  September 11, 2006, 11:18
Al Gore is nothing but a fearmonger. The truth is Antartic in colder now than in 1980'. Medieval Warm Period (1000-1200 A.D) was warmer than 20.century. Global Warming is phrase picked up by media and hysteria gives more money to climate science though scientists have no concensus of GW.
Albert (guest)  -  September 12, 2006, 00:57
This man could have been your president. Now you have George. Way to go, America. Let me know when you've got a strong leader, and we'll do something good out of it to save our world.
TommyPaine (guest)  -  September 15, 2006, 01:13
Thank you Heikki. Also don't forget that the beginning years of the 1930's were hotter than the past 14 years, including 2005, and there is no consensus amongst the scientific community. This is nothing more than a ploy to grab back the political spotlight with an attempt to rally people around believed in lies. I only watched the trailer and caught already at least 10 if not more out and out LIES. Whether or not global warming is occuring, whether or not we are causing it, you really shouldn't need to lie to prove yourself. Ecspecially when the damn movie is called "An Inconvenient Truth". How quaint.
TommyPaine (guest)  -  September 15, 2006, 01:22
Thank you Heikki. Also don't forget that the beginning years of the 1930's were hotter than the past 14 years, including 2005, and there is no consensus amongst the scientific community. This is nothing more than a ploy to grab back the political spotlight with an attempt to rally people around believed in lies. I only watched the trailer and caught already at least 10 if not more out and out LIES. Whether or not global warming is occuring, whether or not we are causing it, you really shouldn't need to lie to prove yourself. Ecspecially when the damn movie is called "An Inconvenient Truth". How quaint.
The Professor (guest)  -  September 15, 2006, 05:29
For all of you true scientists and objective people...When a glass of water and ice is left at room temperature, and the ice melts...does the water overflow from the glass? Fuck No!!!! The Arctic is not land, it is floating ice. Even if all the arctic ice in the world were to melt, the sea level would not be affected 1 inch. Maybe if these global warming liberal blowhards and even Al Gore himself want some credibility, try telling the truth. Until then, they can all blow it out their asses. (wait that will cause global warming)
mainvain (guest)  -  September 15, 2006, 05:48
the professor is right, but he left out one important point. Since Ice is less dense than water, if all the ice melted, the excess air trapped in the ice would be released and the reduced weight would cause the sea levels to actually drop. So if we really care about rising sea levels, then we all need to keep driving our SUV's and make sure the ice melts to prevent sea level rise.
The Professor (guest)  -  September 15, 2006, 05:51
Heikki from Finland is very smart and knows the history and science behind climate change. If only more people could be as educated...but if the truth about (the lack of) global warming really comes out, then all these "scientists" will have no "problems" to solve, and their funding will dry up. Wow!!! talk about a real inconvenient truth
 Deleted0001  -  September 16, 2006, 18:07
I'm actually going to watch this movie in four days! Looking forward to it!
Niedec (guest)  -  September 23, 2006, 09:53
When did politicians get involved with science? Let the facts speak for themselves. That does NOT mean, however, that we should continue to pollute the planet. We still need to remember that carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other substances still affect us at ground level.
terfy (guest)  -  October 9, 2006, 16:21
blah blah blah.. blaah blah blah.. and BLAH come on.. we have to realize that we DO kill the world.. but I ALSO believe that we'll fix it before its too late.. with or without Al Gore's Video.. allthough its a VERY great summizing to whats going on and how bad it COULD be.. but.. we're fixing it.. and yes... take the bus or train instead of your polluting car..
the netherlands (guest)  -  October 18, 2006, 19:17
this is all bullshit, I live 5 meters below sea lvl and I aint scared, even if it would be true, we just had to start building dykes.
Vilxan (guest)  -  October 20, 2006, 21:23
I'm suprised that so many people are saying that people are stupid on here. I personally think that Global Warming is happening, and we might suffer for it, but the point is, I don't get why so many people are so against being a bit more environmental? Recycling is a good idea, using the same thing again, so what's wrong with that? Why do some people think it's better to throw it into the ocean than to re-use it.
Vikrum (guest)  -  October 23, 2006, 05:26
I guess saying "bullshit" is just an excuse not to get smarter and not to do anything at all. It's easy to sit and watch tv all the time - everyone does it, it's not that much of a pleasure to sort rubbish, aye? Lazy bastards is what will kill this planet.
Dash (guest)  -  November 5, 2006, 17:39
Bullshit You can't accurately predict a general pattern of warming based on 100 years of recordings. The climate of the planet has me in flux for the the past billion years and will continue to do so. The period during the age of the dinosaurs was believed to be considerably warmer then current day weather and was then followed by global cooling. Did you know that 2005 was actually colder on average then previous years? If global warming to so prevalent then why has 2006 been even cooler then 2005? And why have was the Hurricane season to mild this year? If global warming caused these so-called disasters, then why didn't it cause another? I realize that we are polluting the air with green house gasses, but it isn't significant enough to cause a general warming trend. If we gave it another 200 years or so we may see the beginning of one, but we all know that oil supplies will be completely diminished by then.
Keke (guest)  -  November 15, 2006, 11:04
Dash is right, weather patterns were never constant. Global weather changes have happened several times on Earth. It is NATURAL. The fact is, however, that we are not prepared. Instead of acting against nature's laws, we need to accept the fact that weather changes and will always change, and PREPARE for these changes.
ohlmert (guest)  -  December 15, 2006, 03:56
You can make people do bad things by frightening them. Maybe this film frightens some people and make them do good things. For me as a German, all this sounds quite boring. We sort the trash, our cars must have a three-way catalytic converter and our cans are with refundable deposit. It's sad, that the USA don't even care about the Kyoto protocol. @Keke It doesn't matter, if this is natural or not. there are also a lot of dead trees and we have other enviromental problems. caused by pollution and so on. Just because people die naturally it's not cool to fire a gun the whole day, even if you never hit someone. But maybe you are one of these "learning by doing" guys.
lolylol (guest)  -  January 11, 2007, 16:35
lol now is 2007 01 11 and now in our country is no snow and other countrys and now is winter! what will be in summer !!!!!!! haaaaa iam a nooob aaaaaa
 Vilxan  -  January 19, 2007, 23:16
Right, well, Dash, you say that 2005 has been colder than the previous years, yet at the very beginning of the video, Al Gore says 2005 has been the hottest year. If you can give me evidence of your claim, I'll believe you. In 2005's winter, here in Birmingham UK, it was cold and snowing, yet, all through winter 2006, there hasn't been any snow at all. It is now late January, and there is still no snow. I think this is proof enough that as far as I can remember, all the years before 2006 had snow, except 2006-2007. Summer here is also a lot hotter. On BBC news, they said in southern England, we can now grow Kiwi's, and a bird from Turkey has emmigrated to Britain, because its the right temperature here, and its too hot in Turkey for it now. I think that this is proof. Also, as for "it was hotter in medievil times then now", I don't really know what happened, but back then, I think possibly the reason it got hotter was because of some change in the Earth's orbit around the sun, or something in our atmosphere, or something. I'm just guessing here, so don't consider that reliable. But, one thing that is reliable is the fact that the reason it is hot is because we are making it hot. I don't see how people in Medievil times could have made a greenhouse effect. It was meant to get that hot then. But now, its our own fault, and even if you don't believe in global warming, I don't see what is wrong with being a little more ecological. Its not hurting your life in any way, such as you don't need your car to drive to the shops. Walk. It's better for you and the environment altogether. If its too hard to walk a small distance, that is just being incredibly selfish.
Its here already ! (guest)  -  February 16, 2007, 17:11
Global warming but the leader doesnt do anything, just continues with other things :-( The weather is alredy weird, hasnt you noticed ? If not you will.
Gerb (guest)  -  March 7, 2007, 05:09
Stop trying to think of ways to stop it, because sooner or later, it -will- happen. Rather start thinking of ways how to live -with- it. Although I do not fully belief it that it's mainly our fault anyway. It's the natural progress of any planet.
 Vilxan  -  May 6, 2007, 15:05
when I wrote that last letter, it was late January. It is now 06th May 2007, and there's only been 3 days of snow! It is getting very hot, and it's certainly hot enough to be able to have a bbq, and this is spring. Think about what your saying before you post. Also, Gerb, Everything you said there in that short post, is exactly what I wanted to say. Thanks!
Nexus (guest)  -  September 25, 2007, 05:35
You heard what Al Gore has to say about global warming now check out what real scientists say abot global warming.
bored (guest)  -  March 21, 2008, 22:42
Interesting for people in the US. Europe knows all that for a long time and changed long ago. And Katrina was just a little storm. Visit a WW2 Museum in Europe and you see what happend on our continent. Also done by people. Europe made mistakes and you only learn by making mistakes. The later you make mistakes, the bigger they are. Hurry up US, China,....
 rlassig  -  August 30, 2008, 17:59
The scientific evidence here is irrefutable. Global temperature increases with CO2 in the atmosphere, and CO2 levels are higher than ever, and still climbing. Believe it or not, it's real.
 Rik  -  March 19, 2010, 17:07
Everyone who say just because Al Gore is a part of it it's not true, your mad! This is the most important thing in human history! it is we that has betrayed planet, we shall die because of our own mistakes to the planet which will be getting hotter,shall have more feakier weather,etc. this year in winter in my home town kolkata, the lowest temperature was 14 degrees centigrate! and last year in summer 8 young men died of heat wave! We have to do something before it's to late!

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