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Weird Al Yankovic - Gump

October 4, 2006


Steve113  -  October 5, 2006, 04:42
gg (guest)  -  October 5, 2006, 08:31
didde  -  October 5, 2006, 15:10
Super! perfekt! Love it :D
booooooooo (guest)  -  October 5, 2006, 15:10
Deleted0001  -  October 5, 2006, 19:42
Nooo! Forrest was a nice guy...
pre (guest)  -  October 7, 2006, 06:22
weird al needs the nobel peace prize
OGrilla  -  October 8, 2006, 00:11
This song was annoying, but the video was funny.
ble (guest)  -  October 8, 2006, 13:22
boring, not funny even a little bit
ok (guest)  -  October 8, 2006, 17:36
first it was white and neirdy and that was good but now this, plz dont send one more cuz then this side will trasnform into his offical website
Keith (guest)  -  October 9, 2006, 19:54
its about .5 second delay on the lip sync =/ oh well
LordBartuc  -  October 11, 2006, 01:21
he obviously has better videos
Rdogpink (guest)  -  October 11, 2006, 05:46
I liked it ^^
Jk (guest)  -  October 14, 2006, 10:51
ownes, funny :)
Forrest Gump (guest)  -  November 3, 2006, 01:26
uhrgashrmgafirgin (guest)  -  December 24, 2006, 15:15
cant.. .stop... watching..
some random person (guest)  -  January 20, 2007, 22:34
hey, thats me!=(
Daddi  -  March 16, 2007, 21:01
I liked it =)
DiamonSad  -  May 18, 2007, 12:12
i think it was kinda funny :)