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Mushroom cloud

June 4, 2006


(guest) (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 22:54
fascinating yet really really scary...
Robert (guest)  -  June 4, 2006, 23:39
i agree...i´ve had nightmares about nuclear bombs...crazy :)
Eric (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 00:42
No.. that's just wrong. Something like that should never have been made possible.
guest (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 01:30
Eric: What? Make it not possible by rewriting the laws of physics? Or going to the root of the problem: Prohibiting supernovas from creating uranium?
(guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 02:16
looks like fun
Albert (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 06:28
Jojje (guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 13:07
=/ they have modified it-
(guest)  -  June 5, 2006, 16:53
Looks impressive, but also makes me sad. They're testing a horrible weapon AND polluting the ground/air in the whole area. But still, it looks impressive.
Davidow (guest)  -  June 6, 2006, 10:53
Yeah, It's quite scary that you were able to build something like that in 1944. Just think about what we might be able to create in another 100 years. :S
BadStackSize (guest)  -  June 6, 2006, 11:39
this seems beautiful cause and only of mans quest for " power ", yet this must be controlled and only for use to understand and for science so we wont need to se this more than in old documentaries!.. =) ignorans is not bliss! ;)
elijah (guest)  -  June 14, 2006, 15:18
how did they survive the boom? or get THAT close to it?
:P (guest)  -  June 21, 2006, 00:35
probably it was verry far away in a nuclear bunker some where probably in the desert :P
i know all (guest)  -  June 21, 2006, 06:47
theres a bomb 10 times worse than that, it makes a mini black hole know.
Mike (guest)  -  June 30, 2006, 23:21
Notice how the very last frame of this vid looks like a profile shot of ET? This was obviously a PR stunt from S.S. from the mid 80's.
(guest)  -  September 2, 2006, 17:15
Hopeful (guest)  -  September 4, 2006, 09:50
Hopefully the next generations won't forget that utter destruction and death these horrible weapons bring. Sure 9/11 might be "their tragedy", but that can't compete with millions of people dying in an instant.
Ivory (guest)  -  September 16, 2006, 23:01
...I can t say, what i think...
ursula jeffery (guest)  -  March 9, 2007, 12:59
haha1i havent seen this before!:P
flash (guest)  -  April 1, 2007, 01:56
mans lust for status and therefore power over his enemy/friend/brother/family member is truely repugnant, god help us all!
kirby (>0.0)> (guest)  -  April 28, 2007, 01:49
yeeeeaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!! i like big boom!
ME (guest)  -  April 28, 2007, 01:52
I Know All: thats a load of crap! mini black hole! more like a thermo-nuclear blast. research before you speak next time!
psycotic maniac (guest)  -  April 28, 2007, 03:16
i know my abc's (guest)  -  April 28, 2007, 03:18
oink oink moo cow!
HIM (guest)  -  April 28, 2007, 03:22
i plugged a radio int my nose and it
worked... kinda disturbing right?
Crunchy Munchin (guest)  -  May 15, 2007, 05:50
Kyle is insane....
foxy (guest)  -  April 3, 2008, 19:54
cool blows your mind if we could use our minds for non-war science humanity would be alot better
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