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Taco Town

January 8, 2007


Pessimisten (guest)  -  January 8, 2007, 23:48
Humongous fial
(guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 00:02
only in america :p
(guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 00:08
haha nice
(guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 01:22
Gotta love the dude at the end! 'TACOO TOWWWN'
mr tod (guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 13:13
mr rod (guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 15:41
-Awesome! -And it gets even awesomer!
pre (guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 20:23
haha yeah that guy at the end was awesome. TACO TOWN.
(guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 20:27
Rubbish my ass. Awesome my heart.
(guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 21:15
I want to go to Taco Town!!!!!!
(guest)  -  January 9, 2007, 21:17
So cool! I want one :P just dont think i can finish it during a week :P kinda :P
nameless (guest)  -  January 10, 2007, 03:49
pervertedly awesome. caloric content++
Mike (guest)  -  January 10, 2007, 09:18
You do realize this was SNL, don't you?
(guest)  -  January 10, 2007, 22:40
That taco still looks appetizing.
(guest)  -  January 11, 2007, 22:21
That thing looks delicious :)
(guest)  -  January 12, 2007, 03:24
I would have enough to eat for a week of lunches lol.
(guest)  -  January 21, 2007, 17:27
The youtube vid has been removed, but you can still find it on Google Video.
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