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Cat drummer
April 15, 2006
44 15
Lionheart (guest) - April 16, 2006, 14:58
I dont think that it is really funny. It could be dangerous for the child.
Dr Evil (guest) - April 16, 2006, 16:32
Yeah, he seems to a bit scaaared.
Rachmaus (guest) - April 16, 2006, 22:01
It was realy fun.
... (guest) - April 17, 2006, 02:36
Look at the kids face :)
(guest) - April 17, 2006, 12:26
hahaha that last frame of the kids face, fucking priceless. "I feel a tear comin'"
koda (guest) - April 17, 2006, 22:00
The cat is obviously de-clawed or the kid would have been hurt kinda bad. Poor cat I say.
pilu (guest) - April 18, 2006, 05:50
That was so cruel for the cat!
me (guest) - April 18, 2006, 20:37
... (guest) - April 19, 2006, 01:09
wow the first 2 guys r pussys...
Dome (guest) - April 19, 2006, 07:44
Actually, I don't believe the cat is de-clawed. Cats have the ability to hide their claws, and while "drumming" a member of its own faamily, it might just do that. Truly a funny video!
Yahel (guest) - April 19, 2006, 07:48
"I dont think that it is really funny. It could be dangerous for the child." Aargh, what is it with you guys, the funny thing _is_ that it could have been dangerous, but _nothing_ happened. If that is your mantra, you should really leave this website alone! Funny I say, funny!
lina (guest) - April 25, 2006, 10:45!
EssexNightClubs (guest) - April 26, 2006, 15:13
Cats are evil..
You should here the noise makes when my car hits a cat!
EssexNightClubs (guest) - April 26, 2006, 15:13
Cats are evil.. You should hear the noise makes when my car hits a cat!
Marisun (guest) - April 27, 2006, 07:51
Declawed, probably. Nobody even came over to see if the kid was scratched. I'm sure he was in any harm. I think it was pretty hilarious. THe kid had probably been poking at the cat all day long.
(guest) - May 10, 2006, 01:48
But he won't poke anymore after that :) lesson learned!
blueblood (guest) - May 21, 2006, 16:15
AFV is retarded. might as well be called "funyist way to inflict injury"
again (guest) - June 7, 2006, 22:54
As SAID, the cat is NOT declawed - It´s purely wise enough to have its claws contracted, like "I'm waaarning you, next time...".
And the cat gets what it want: that kid won't bother it again when it flicks its tail.
Lightne up (guest) - June 30, 2006, 21:32
Oh noo.. it could have been dangerous.. oh nooo...
Give it up..
It was cute and funny.. Parents shouldnt let it play with it's tail.. but I bet the kid wont bug it again for a while.
Serveck (guest) - July 24, 2006, 23:39
pain is the best teacher, so dont give into this bullshit about uit being dangerous, we survived for millions of years doing just that, learning from mistakes.
Killa (guest) - July 26, 2006, 17:55
The cat didn't have to be de-clawed, cat's can intentionaly hit something without using their calws...
shelligo (guest) - August 17, 2006, 23:55
Sonic (guest) - September 5, 2006, 05:24
man.. I think cats are sweet, but that was too mean by that cat. this cat sucks. poor child..
(guest) - September 16, 2006, 18:26
Sweet too!
mario (guest) - September 19, 2006, 14:44
yes.. it was dangeryous for shild.. cat can hit his eyes.. huh.. wat ewer''
(guest) - October 5, 2006, 15:38
Shit that kid got BIG eyes!
Erik (guest) - December 26, 2006, 17:01
When my cat gets angry she never use her claws, since I'm the family. Same with this cat, so saying it's de-clawed is just stupid, and I bet you're from USA ^^
(guest) - April 2, 2007, 05:22
emma (guest) - April 19, 2007, 14:14
that is sick that could of hurt the kid
(guest) - October 18, 2007, 03:03
that was funny, and that kids eyes ar SO BIGGGG!!!
Rocko Socko (guest) - March 5, 2009, 15:17
The kid was tormenting the cat and the cat finally had enough. Now the kid knows to leave the cat alone. I saw a longer version of this clip. Just after this clip ended, the kid started crying. I think it's funny how the kid had to think it over before he decided to cry!
You should here the noise makes when my car hits a cat!
And the cat gets what it want: that kid won't bother it again when it flicks its tail.
Give it up..
It was cute and funny.. Parents shouldnt let it play with it's tail.. but I bet the kid wont bug it again for a while.